short term tasks
hopefully sometime if time permits
- Mabox with LXDE ?
- improve DeskGrid, DeskMngr and make them distro independent
- rewrite all Mabox Jgmenu based tools, make them distro independent (Menu, Sidepanels, all tools and most of pipemenus)
- A menu to set and configure Wallpaper (random, slideshow mode, and choose helper) and ScreenLocker (5 effects, cache wallpaper image) – W–A–w
- Most of pipemenus now can be run standalone: for example menu/panels settings W–A–m and conky conf menu W–A–k
- mb-reset now have compare mode – much easier and safe for users to pick new features on old Mabox installations
- conky_toggle W – A – c – kill/start all conkys from sessionfile – based on idea and code from piquet
- mbhelper W – F1 – something like command palette – search-and-run: list of keyboard shortcuts, important configuration tools, files and so on.